Jun 22, 2023
We welcome Christie Vanover back again to talk about her competition pork recipe. She also has some exciting news! Christie breaks down every step she takes making her over 170 average pork. Yet another one you don't want to miss.
Jun 8, 2023
We talk to world champ Doug Scheiding of Rogue Cookers about tips and tricks of pellet grills. There is a lot of excellent info in this one for those new to pellet cookers and those who have used pellet cookers for years. This is one you don't want to miss. Let us know your favorite pellet cooker...
Jun 1, 2023
Roger Donohoe has become a great steak cook, but it wasn't the easiest of journeys. Now he has bagged a perfect score and is one of the top steak cooks in the SCA. We chat with him about his process and his journey.