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The Pitmaster's Podcast

Nov 28, 2019

We talk with Sterling Smith of Loot n' Booty.  We ask him about his competition secrets and talk with him about his killer barbecue products.

Don't forget you can get 20% of his BBQ Champs Academy by using promo code: smith20

Don't forget you can head over to The Pitmaster's Podcast and sign up for classes, listen...

Nov 21, 2019

This week we are live from ThermoWorks talking to Kyle Halvorson about their products and how they can help you take your cooks to a new level.  We explore some of their thermometers and probes and hopefully help you in selecting what works for you.  We also mention Sean's...

Nov 14, 2019

We chat with American Royal RGC Travis Duffy.  Travis is the head cook of Last Call Heroes.  With an 11th place finish and an RGC at the past 2 Royals he has numerous awards under his belt.  You can follow him on Instagram or on FaceBook

Travis would like to thank bbq heaven pitboys, Fireplace Professionals, Rea...

Nov 7, 2019

We sit down with Matt and David Hansen of Crooked Pigs BBQ Team.  They have won multiple grand champion awards and are in the running for Utah team of the year.  Hope you get something out of this because we sure did.